Hi Everyone,
Things have been busy lately in Learning & Development and we wanted to take a moment to update you on a few things and remind you also of some training that is available that has spaces. If you have any questions at all or indeed ideas for learning, please do get in touch with either me or Kim - we’d be delighted to chat to you.
But first, we are really excited to share with you that our platform for sharing all things L&D has been updated and the content refreshed. We’re hoping it now looks and behaves in a much more intuitive way, more like a website! This is where we are now popping everything to do with Learning and Development, all in one, easy to access place. Please do bear with us as we upload more content, and pleeeeeeease do share with us links and courses that you have found useful, and others would benefit from.
A huge thank you to Kim & Leah for all their help in developing this 😊
Intranet page - https://www.aldingbournelearninghub.org/
Or via Teams - Learning & Development | Learning Hub |
There is also a calendar outlining all the dates for face-to-face training which you can access by clicking calendar
Pease go take a look and let us know what you think!
Recruitment & Selection Workshop
These sessions are aimed at Managers, Team Leaders and Seniors involved in the recruitment process. There are spaces available on the June, July or August sessions. Please book via Cascade or click the link to cascade.
We’re hoping that you have now had a chance to log into your eLearning account and have a look at the training pathway that has been created specifically for your role. Please continue to complete the modules that have been assigned to you as this forms part of your mandatory training. If you’re finished already, fantastic news, well done! You’ll be entered in a prize draw next month for a £25 shopping voucher. Different modules need to be refreshed occasionally, but don’t worry we’ll send you an automatic reminder from the system when this is the case. 😊
Care and Support Planning
Personalised Care and Support Planning for people experiencing mental health challenges
Six interactive training sessions, commissioned to develop the confidence, knowledge, and skills of frontline staff to take a holistic and biopsychosocial focused approach to assessment and care planning. It is aimed at anyone who works with people with mental health challenges, including those working in social care, health, or the voluntary and community enterprise sector. It is being delivered by Health Dialogues. Sessions will run until Friday 31 May.
Book your place on Care and Support Planning Training
Making Every Contact Count
Training to support the delivery of basic health & wellbeing promoting conversations. The aim of this workshop is to enhance your knowledge, understanding, and confidence to have short, simple, and focused conversations about health and wellbeing with the people that you work with.
Book your place WSCC Learning Pool.
Every contact counts flyer.docx
Things have been busy lately in Learning & Development and we wanted to take a moment to update you on a few things and remind you also of some training that is available that has spaces. If you have any questions at all or indeed ideas for learning, please do get in touch with either me or Kim - we’d be delighted to chat to you.
But first, we are really excited to share with you that our platform for sharing all things L&D has been updated and the content refreshed. We’re hoping it now looks and behaves in a much more intuitive way, more like a website! This is where we are now popping everything to do with Learning and Development, all in one, easy to access place. Please do bear with us as we upload more content, and pleeeeeeease do share with us links and courses that you have found useful, and others would benefit from.
A huge thank you to Kim & Leah for all their help in developing this 😊
Intranet page - https://www.aldingbournelearninghub.org/
Or via Teams - Learning & Development | Learning Hub |
There is also a calendar outlining all the dates for face-to-face training which you can access by clicking calendar
Pease go take a look and let us know what you think!
Recruitment & Selection Workshop
These sessions are aimed at Managers, Team Leaders and Seniors involved in the recruitment process. There are spaces available on the June, July or August sessions. Please book via Cascade or click the link to cascade.
We’re hoping that you have now had a chance to log into your eLearning account and have a look at the training pathway that has been created specifically for your role. Please continue to complete the modules that have been assigned to you as this forms part of your mandatory training. If you’re finished already, fantastic news, well done! You’ll be entered in a prize draw next month for a £25 shopping voucher. Different modules need to be refreshed occasionally, but don’t worry we’ll send you an automatic reminder from the system when this is the case. 😊
Care and Support Planning
Personalised Care and Support Planning for people experiencing mental health challenges
Six interactive training sessions, commissioned to develop the confidence, knowledge, and skills of frontline staff to take a holistic and biopsychosocial focused approach to assessment and care planning. It is aimed at anyone who works with people with mental health challenges, including those working in social care, health, or the voluntary and community enterprise sector. It is being delivered by Health Dialogues. Sessions will run until Friday 31 May.
Book your place on Care and Support Planning Training
Making Every Contact Count
Training to support the delivery of basic health & wellbeing promoting conversations. The aim of this workshop is to enhance your knowledge, understanding, and confidence to have short, simple, and focused conversations about health and wellbeing with the people that you work with.
Book your place WSCC Learning Pool.
Every contact counts flyer.docx