Hi Everyone,
Last week, in collaboration with Clinic51 we hosted the Let’s Talk Menopause! evening where 60 ladies, and some men too, experienced a talk given by Dr Rhianydd McGlone.
It was a relaxed and informative evening where staff and our local community came together to support each other and understand the challenges faced by so many. Thank you to everyone that helped make it a great success; it was such a fabulous opportunity for us to showcase our beautiful Country Centre. We look forward to offering more evenings like this so please do let us know if you have any ideas for the future 😊
Remember - Check out the new space for all things Learning & Development – this is where we will be loading all the information from now on!
We’re hoping that you have now had a chance to log into your eLearning account and have a look at the training pathway that has been created specifically for your role. Please continue to complete the modules that have been assigned to you as this forms part of your mandatory training. If you’re finished already, fantastic news, well done! You’ll be entered in a prize draw for a £25 shopping voucher. Different modules need to be refreshed occasionally, but don’t worry we’ll send you an automatic reminder from the system when this is the case. If you experience any difficulties in accessing your eLearning accounts, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Recruitment & Selection Workshop - 17th June 09:30-12:30, Creative Spaces
An overview of the Trust’s approach to recruitment and selection and it’s effective management. This workshop is aimed at all Managers, Team leaders and Seniors involved in this area.
Recruitment & Selection - ALDINGBOURNE TRUST LEARNING HUB (aldingbournelearninghub.org)
Safeguarding - 18th June 10:00 – 14:00, ACC
This workshop is aimed at promoting person centredness in safeguarding, giving you the confidence to address any concerns you may have. All staff across the Trust are expected to attend the workshop.
Safeguarding - ALDINGBOURNE TRUST LEARNING HUB (aldingbournelearninghub.org)
Absence Management – 4th July, 09:30-12:30, ACC
The workshop will cover all aspects of managing sickness and absence in the workplace and is aimed at Managers, Team Leaders and Seniors. It will equip attendees with the knowledge and tools to ensure a consistent approach.
Absence Management - ALDINGBOURNE TRUST LEARNING HUB (aldingbournelearninghub.org)
Stop Look Care
Do you support people with a learning disability? People with a learning disability experience more health conditions and are more likely to die of conditions that are treatable or preventable. Learn how to spot the signs of deteriorating health quickly and communicate what you think has changed to get the right health care promptly.
Stop look care is recognised by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence and CQC to enable people working in social care setting to monitor health and spot changes that need a health professional. This training has been developed based on local and national learning from LeDeR (learning from lives and deaths programme). Register for the next online training session on 27th June at 10am via the link below. Further sessions will be available on 5th September 12th December and 13th March 2025. Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams
West Sussex Learning Pool
Do familiarise yourself with this site, there are sooo many development opportunities to you as staff and if you need any help do let us know.
West Sussex County Council: Log in to the site (learningpool.com)
Last week, in collaboration with Clinic51 we hosted the Let’s Talk Menopause! evening where 60 ladies, and some men too, experienced a talk given by Dr Rhianydd McGlone.
It was a relaxed and informative evening where staff and our local community came together to support each other and understand the challenges faced by so many. Thank you to everyone that helped make it a great success; it was such a fabulous opportunity for us to showcase our beautiful Country Centre. We look forward to offering more evenings like this so please do let us know if you have any ideas for the future 😊
Remember - Check out the new space for all things Learning & Development – this is where we will be loading all the information from now on!
We’re hoping that you have now had a chance to log into your eLearning account and have a look at the training pathway that has been created specifically for your role. Please continue to complete the modules that have been assigned to you as this forms part of your mandatory training. If you’re finished already, fantastic news, well done! You’ll be entered in a prize draw for a £25 shopping voucher. Different modules need to be refreshed occasionally, but don’t worry we’ll send you an automatic reminder from the system when this is the case. If you experience any difficulties in accessing your eLearning accounts, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Recruitment & Selection Workshop - 17th June 09:30-12:30, Creative Spaces
An overview of the Trust’s approach to recruitment and selection and it’s effective management. This workshop is aimed at all Managers, Team leaders and Seniors involved in this area.
Recruitment & Selection - ALDINGBOURNE TRUST LEARNING HUB (aldingbournelearninghub.org)
Safeguarding - 18th June 10:00 – 14:00, ACC
This workshop is aimed at promoting person centredness in safeguarding, giving you the confidence to address any concerns you may have. All staff across the Trust are expected to attend the workshop.
Safeguarding - ALDINGBOURNE TRUST LEARNING HUB (aldingbournelearninghub.org)
Absence Management – 4th July, 09:30-12:30, ACC
The workshop will cover all aspects of managing sickness and absence in the workplace and is aimed at Managers, Team Leaders and Seniors. It will equip attendees with the knowledge and tools to ensure a consistent approach.
Absence Management - ALDINGBOURNE TRUST LEARNING HUB (aldingbournelearninghub.org)
Stop Look Care
Do you support people with a learning disability? People with a learning disability experience more health conditions and are more likely to die of conditions that are treatable or preventable. Learn how to spot the signs of deteriorating health quickly and communicate what you think has changed to get the right health care promptly.
Stop look care is recognised by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence and CQC to enable people working in social care setting to monitor health and spot changes that need a health professional. This training has been developed based on local and national learning from LeDeR (learning from lives and deaths programme). Register for the next online training session on 27th June at 10am via the link below. Further sessions will be available on 5th September 12th December and 13th March 2025. Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams
West Sussex Learning Pool
Do familiarise yourself with this site, there are sooo many development opportunities to you as staff and if you need any help do let us know.
West Sussex County Council: Log in to the site (learningpool.com)